Monday 14 June 2010

Maldon District Council - Tree Management

Maldon District  Council are responsible for the efficient management of all the trees within the authority area whether these are urban or rural.  Trees that grow in Council owned property or on public open spaces are also protected as they are deemed as Council Property. Anyone wilfully damaging these can be prosecuted. The Authority has its own professional tree maintenance team who carries out all appropriate tree care and maintenance to trees owned by the council.

The Tree Officer is contactable

on 01621 854477

Where possible, each Parish has a nominated Tree Warden.

For Ulting and Langford Parishes

this is Carlie Mayes. 


What is a TPO?

A TPO is a Tree Preservation Order. 

If my tree has a TPO on it what can I do?

A TPO is a piece of legislation that is there to protect an individual tree or a group of trees.  If you have a TPO then the Council believes that this tree, or group of trees, is important within the urban or rural enivornment where it is sited.  If you want to do any work on a tree/group of trees that has a Tree Preservation Order on it, then you MUST get permission from Maldon District Council.

What if I live in a Conservation Area?

Under the Conservation Area designation ALL TREES within a Conservation area are protected.  This means that if you want to do any work, such as pruning, crown raising or felling, you MUST get permissin from Maldon District  Council. 

Maldon District Council web link to TPO's and Conservation Areas

Some general advice for private tree owners:

  1. Contact your local Tree Warden if you are wanting advice on your trees and are unsure what you are allowed to do.
  2. Always contact the Maldon District Council to ensure that the trees are not protected by a Tree Protection Order, planning constraints or that the tree is within a Conservation area.
  3. Always employ a suitable trained professional Tree Surgeon, who is covered by Public Liability Insurance. (Always ask for proof).
  4. Never employ house callers or leaflet droppers claiming to be professional tree surgeons. Reputable Tree Surgeons will always have some form of professional identification and qualification proof.
  5. Always ask to see it. Reputable Tree Surgeons can be found in the Yellow Pages or contact Maldon District Council for further advice.
  6. If you are concerned about a tree within your local area that may be covered by a TPO or is within a designated Conservation Area, contact the Tree Warden on 01245 381577 or MDC Tree Officer on 01621 854477.

Useful Websites

